Individual articles are now available for download in PDF format:
Sugimoto: Comparison of Students' Expectations of CLIL and EMI
Yazawa: Japanese Female College Students' Fulfillment of Basic Psychological Needs in English Classroom
Hawkes: Using Uptake Sheets as a Supplementary Data Collection Tool in Classroom Research
Duarte: Using the Directory of Open Access Journals to Expand Publishing Opportunities and Stay Competitive
Entwistle, Ingham, & Marceau: Discussions, Observations, and Achievable Aims: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Professional Development
Ingham & Entwistle: Taking the Cambridge DELTA in Japan
Miyazaki: Neurodiversity in a Quasi-Bilingual University in Japan
Ryan: Encouraging First-Year University Students to Embrace an Active Learning Environment
Stewart: Neoliberalism's Influence and Teacher Agency
Strong: Pensions, the Conversation Worth Having
Timms: ESL Teachers' Use of Corrective Feedback and Its Effect on Learners' Uptake
Kawashima: Online D-I-E Quick Write: An Activity to Develop Impromptu Writing and the Fact-Opinion Distinction
Kimura: Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write
Ogura: The Evolution of Japanese Learners in Japan: Crossing Japan, the West and South East Asia
Sugimoto: English-Medium Instruction in Japanese Higher Education: Policy, Challenges, and Outcomes
Brooks & Young: Two Perspectives on the 48th Annual 2022 JALT Conference
Suzuki: Personal observations of online conferences vs. face-to-face conferences
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