OnCUE Journal (ISSN 18820220) or OCJ is the main journal of the College and University Educators SIG. It is fully refereed and is published once or twice annually. The aim of OCJ is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research ideas and curriculum activities of broad interest to College and University language educators. Contributors to the journal do not have to be members of the CUE SIG.
Starting in 2021, the OnCUE Journal will be an online-only journal.
Latest Issue Published:

OnCUE Journal 16.1 (Issue 1, 2024)
Staff of the OnCUE Journal
CUE Circular
Reviews and editing are the responsibility of the CUE Circular editor and assistant editor(s).
Staff of the OnCUE Journal Special Issue
Each issue invites guest editors to draft a call for papers and to review submissions and edit them. The Publications Chair is responsible for mentoring the guest editors.
OCJ Editorial Review Board
Matthew Apple - Ritsumeikan University
Jill Burton - University of South Australia
James Bury - Shumei University
Michael Carroll - Momoyama Gakuin University
Dexter Da Silva - Keisen University
James Elwood - Meiji University
Mayumi Fujioka - Osaka Prefecture University
George Harrison - University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
Ellen Head - Miyazaki International College
James Lassegard - Hosei University
George MacLean - University of the Ryukyus
Wayne Malcolm - Fukui University of Technology
Neil McClelland - University of Kitakyushu
Deryn Verity - The Pennsylvania State University
Proofreading Staff
Rosa Suen, Proofreading Coordinator
Sara Terre Blanche
Armando Duarte
Mark Loy Goodhew
Juanita Heigham
Mary Hillis
Andrew Hofmann
Joel Neff
Josh Norman
David Ockert
Jonathan Phipps
Ryan Richardson
Dax Thomas
Christine Winskowski
Back issues of OnCUE Journal
Individual articles from OnCUE Journal are available on the Back Issues of OnCUE Journal page approximately one calendar year after publication.
Back issues of OnCUE Volume 1.1 through 15.1
PDF versions of pre-ISSN number OnCUE volumes Spring 1993 through Spring 2007 can be downloaded from this web page or from the side menu. If any current or previous CUE members have copies of issues not shown on this page, please contact Glen Hill to discuss donating them or lending them to make a scanned copy so we can have a complete set.
Old Conference Proceedings Held Alone or in Conjunction with Other Groups.
Content in Language Education: Looking at the Future. Proceedings of the JALT CUE conference 2000 held at Keisen University. (Edited by Alan S Mackenzie, 2000)
Developing Autonomy. Proceedings of the 2001 JALT CUE Conference at Miho Kenshukan of Tokai University.(Edited by Alan S Mackenzie and Eamon McCafferty, 2001)
Curriculum Innovation, Testing and Evaluation. Proceedings of the JALT CUE and TEVAL mini-conferences held as part of the 2002 JALT Pan SIG Conference at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. (Edited by Alan S Mackenzie and Tim Newfields, 2003) - Available online (click the name of the book for the link)
Learner Development - Context, Curricula, Content. Proceedings of the 2003 CUE/LD Kobe Mini-Conference at the Rokko YMCA. (Edited by Phil McCasland and Martha Robertson, 2005)
Working Together: Making a Difference in Language Education. Proceedings of the 2005 Miyazaki Mini-conference at Miyazaki Municipal University.(Edited by Matthew Apple and Etsuko Shimo, 2006)
Collection of University Classroom Projects
Projects from the University Classroom. (Edited by Keith Ford and Eamon McCafferty, 2001)
From The Chalkface
Articles in issues of OnCUE from 1999 to 2008 on pedagogical topics. Originally, articles described "lessons that worked", and later were accepted to "combine educational theory and practice". These have been copied separately from the individual journal issues so they may be collected in one place. They are longer than the My Share articles in JALT's The Language Teacher and served as a precursor to the CUE Circular, which started in 2016. Contact the CUE SIG Publications Chair for PDF copies.
Titles of From The Chalkface articles:
Elliott, W.R. 1999. A grammar consciousness-raising activity: Use of the word 'play' before the names of sports. OnCUE, 7.1, 18-19.
McCafferty, E. 1999. Setting up an e-mail project in the writing class. OnCUE, 7.1, 14-17.
Crawford, M.J. 1999. A pairwork warm-up activity. OnCUE, 7.2, 15-17.
Stephenson, B. 1999. For those who don't like to inhale. OnCUE, 7.2, 17-18.
Corbett, J. 2000. Heroes and drama: A second application for English language learning. OnCUE, 8.2, 24-26.
Cullen, B., & Morris, J. 2001. Conversation flow plans. OnCUE, 9.3, 23-24.
Cutrone, P. 2001. ABC: Avoiding breakdown in communication.OnCUE, 9.3, 21-22.
McMurray, D. 2002. Introducing haiku to EFL composers. OnCUE, 10.1, 14-16.
Munby, I. 2002. Combining versions. OnCUE, 10.1, 17-18.
Venema, J. 2003. Incorporating debate in the classroom: Making it accessible. OnCUE, 11.2, 30-34.
Schnickel, J. 2004. Green business: A classroom project. OnCUE, 12.1, 33-37.
Poole, B., & McCasland, P. 2004. Playing with the rabbits: A guide to helping students interact with Steinbeck Of Mice and Men. OnCUE, 12.2, 27-31.
Gilmore, A. 2005. Developing students' strategic competence. OnCUE, 13.1, 28-31.
Nuspliger, B. 2005. World populations as pronunciation exercise. OnCUE, 13.1, 26-28.
Bulach, J.J. 2005. Sign your name right here. OnCUE, 13.2, 43-46.
Harrison, M.E. 2005. Monet, Renoir and Tomoko too.: Using Impressionist artwork to aid self-expression. OnCUE, 13.2, 47-49.
Farrow, N. 2006. Using consciousness-raising to teach the articles. OnCUE, 14.1, 63-67.
Newman, S. 2006. Conferencing. OnCUE, 14.1, 68.
Prucha, D.A. 2006. Using collages to raise students' awareness of global issues. OnCUE, 14.2, 39-42
Williams, J. 2006. Using outside-of-class language opportunities. OnCUE, 14.2, 36-38.
Woollock, A. 2006. My candy. OnCUE, 14.2, 43-46.
Bingham, S. 2007. Integrating extensive and intensive reading activities in a freshmen reading course. OnCUE, 15.1, 37-43.
Porcaro, J.W. 2007. Public speaking is much more than speechmaking! OnCUE, 15.1, 33-36.
Menard, A. 2008. Get your students to read more. OnCUE Journal, 2.1, 65-68.