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Current Issue: OnCUE Journal 16.1

Contents of this issue

Articles from this journal can be downloaded from here: OnCUE Journal 16.1

Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Feature Article

Green: Japanese EFL Learners’ Knowledge of and Encounters with English Profanity

Shekarabi & Ebrahimi: Exploring Lexical Complexity, Fluency, and Kanji Use in JFL Free Writing

Research Digest

Terre Blanche: How to Increase Authenticity in the EFL Classroom

Opinion and Perspective

Stubbings: The Impact of Population Decline on Foreign Faculty at Japanese Universities Toward 2040

Technology Matters

Leaver: Exploring the Efficacy and Challenges of Flip in English Language Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Todd: A Task-Based Approach to On-Demand Lessons: Connecting Theory to Practice

Book Reviews

Kuster: Doing Replication Research in Applied Linguistics

Pearson: 101 EFL Activities for Teaching University Students

Piatkowski: Technology-Supported Learning In and Out of the Japanese Language Classroom: Advances in Pedagogy, Teaching and Research

Conference Reviews

Laurier: Attending a peace conference the day after a war breaks out

Tachino: The CUE’s 30th Year Anniversary Conference in Toyama

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