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CUE Grants and Awards

We at the College and University Educator Special Interest Group (CUE SIG) understand that conducting research and attending conferences is integral to keeping abreast of developments in the education field and furthering professional development. In the spirit of this, we are offering CUE SIG members with limited or no research funding the opportunity to apply for the CUE Research Grant and the CUE Member Support Conference Grant. Those interested, please read the following grant descriptions and follow the links below to apply. Contact the CUE Publications Chair, Glen Hillwith any questions.

Awards Description and application process In return Selection process No. and amount

CUE Research Grant

This grant provides funding to a CUE SIG member to support a research project. If you are on a research team, only the applicant is eligible.

This funding can be used to buy equipment or software, for research-related travel expenses, or other expenses related to your research project.

To apply, complete the application found here.

Submission deadline: There is no research grant for 2025.

Recipient should provide

  • A photo, short bio (50 words max)
  • A Research Digest article, Feature Article, or equipment/software review (Technology Matters) submission for OnCUE Journal within one year of receiving the grant

CUE Officers select

1 X 30,000 yen

CUE Member Support Conference Grant

CUE will award the conference grant to a CUE SIG member to attend the conference of your choice (JALT or nonJALT event). The money will cover only transportation and/or hotel. The award will be up to 30,000 yen depending on the situation. The costs will be reimbursed after attendance. To apply, complete the application found here.

Submission deadline: February 28, 2025 (11:59pm JST)

Recipient should provide

  • Provide a photo and short bio
  • Write a conference review for next issue of OnCUE Journal explaining how attending the conference changed your thinking or otherwise helped you develop professionally, or a short, narrative article for the CUE Circular on a classroom pedagogical experience
  • Provide receipts showing transportation and accommodation fees up to 30,000 yen

CUE Officers select

1 X 30,000 yen


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