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OCJ Section Descriptions and Criteria

Thank you for your interest in OnCUE Journal. Authors wishing to contribute to the journal are asked to visit the Submission Guidelines page for information on formatting papers. All submissions to OCJ should be sent via email as attached files. OCJ does not accept submissions pasted in the body of email messages.

Word counts below do not reflect the references list.


Types of Articles Sought:


Contact: Glen Hill

Feature articles focus on language education and related issues at the tertiary level and are APA referenced (3,000 - 4,000 words).
  • Focus on issues likely to be perceived as relevant to language teaching in Japan
  • Well designed and reported quantitative or qualitative research
  • Writing that situates issues within the context of relevant previous work while refraining from quoting for the sake of quoting
  • Thought-provoking theoretical pieces provided that clear practical implications are developed.

Research Digest
Contact: Joe Falout

Research Digest articles are perspectives on applying theory to practice in SLA or a related field. The format includes reviews of research studies, analyses or personal reflections on research methodologies, and reviews of resources for teachers and researchers (up to 2,500 words). 


Professional Development
Contact: Paul Moritoshi
The term Professional Development (PD) covers issues including vocational education, training, employment, conducting research, publishing, presenting, résumé-building and professionalism, among many others. Articles of approximately 1,500 to 3,500 words may be reflective, opinion-based or empirical (qualitative and/or quantitative) studies pertaining to the above. 
Opinion and Perspective

Contact: Wendy Gough 

Opinion and Perspective articles are short (up to 3,000 words) manuscripts on teaching, learning, the current situation of higher education in Japan, or other related topics. These articles offer you an opportunity to reflect on and provide thought provoking commentary about tertiary foreign language teaching in Japan and can include:
  • Short opinion pieces
  • Personal perspectives on teaching and learning experiences
  • Point-counterpoint
  • Responses to any articles in previous issues.
  • Discussion about other topics related to the careers of foreign language teachers in Japanese higher education
Technology Matters (formerly @CUE)

Contact: Robert Remmerswaal

The newly reformed column (September 2020), Technology Matters, seeks to provide peer-reviewed publishing opportunities for tertiary-level teachers and researchers with a special interest in exploring relationships between language practitioners and language learning tools.

With a renewed focus on the column’s guiding question (“How can technology be optimally utilized for language learning?”), Technology Matters seeks to help potential authors give form to a manuscript idea by providing a number of descriptors.

  • Research papers that provide empirical evidence regarding specific technologies
  • Research papers that replicate or retest the conclusions of previous studies relating to technologies in language learning
  • Expository essays connecting theory to practice
  • Comparative analyses of technology vs. traditional classroom practices
  • Reviews of online websites developed by textbook publishers
In addition to these article frameworks, we have extended the submission length to 3,000 words max.


Book Reviews

Contact: J. Paul Marlowe, incoming editor, April 2024

600 words for reviews of textbooks. If these are for use in a class, you should have at least one semester of experience with it yourself. 1,500 words for scholarly book reviews (e.g., reference books).

Conference Reviews

Contact: Glen Hill

Reviews of EFL-related academic conferences, workshops, or seminars inside or outside Japan (500 to 1,500 words). The events themselves do not have to be sponsored by JALT or any of its SIGs or chapters.


NOTE: Previously, CUE SIG published similar pedagogically related articles under the journal section of From The Chalkface. These are listed now at the bottom of this link. Since 2016, these types of articles have been published in the CUE Circular.

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