Individual articles are now available for download in PDF format:
Glen Hill: Message from the Chief Editor
Quenby Hoffman Aoki & Jamie Purdon: The History and Development of a Self-Access Conversation Lounge
Kevin Bartlett: Translanguaging: Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications in the Japanese University ESP Classroom
Olivia Kennedy & Sandra Healy: Exploring Student Failure to Use Smartphones for Language Learning
Shzh-chen Nancy Lee: The Effects of Explicit Form-Focused Instruction on English Speaking Self-Efficacy
Daniel J. Mills & Paul T. Johnson: Have Smartphone Will Travel: Study Abroad In The Age Of Mobile Technology
Stephen Paton & Alexander Cameron: Reliance on Quizlet for Content and Assessment
Robert Remmerswaal & Rachel Barington: Student Perceptions of Auto-graded English Learning Activities
Mary Hillis: A Reflection on Implementing Professional Development Activities
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