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OnCUE Journal Special Issue Volume 2

Contents of this issue

Individual articles are now available for download in PDF format:

Messages from the Editor

Glen Hill: Message from the Chief Editor

Suwako Uehara, Jean-Pierre J. Richard, & Michael Phillips: Message from the Guest Editors

Opening Address

Kevin Knight: Opening Address


Winnie Cheng: Researching and Teaching ESP: Insights from Hong Kong

Judy Noguchi: Transcending ESP Boundaries

Short Research Papers

Jeff Broderick: Does Duolingo Improve TOEIC Scores?

Sandra Healy, Olivia Kennedy, & Yasushi Tsubota: Virtual Exchange and ESP: Natural Bedfellows

Daniel Parsons: Selecting Lexical Bundles for Writing Courses

Alexander Sheffrin & Eugene Vakhnenko: Communicative Approach: Beliefs, Perceptions, and Attitudes

Alan Simpson: Practicalities of Virtual Learning Environments

Sean Toland, Fern Sakamoto, & Tony Cripps: Weaving Critical Thinking Skills into a Japanese University EAP Course

Fangzhou Zhu: Restrictive Relative Clauses in EFL Learners' Writing

Practice-Oriented Papers

Wendy M. Gough: Introducing Science Content Through Science World Magazines

Leigh McDowell: Vocabulary Learning for Japanese Chemists

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