Location: Toyo Gakuen University, Hongo Campus, Tokyo
Date: July 2nd and 3rd, 2011
Time: 9:00 - 6:00 p.m. each day
The CUE 2011 Conference on Foreign Language Motivation in Japan is held by the Japanese Association for Language Teaching College and University Educators’ Special Interest Group (JALT CUE SIG), in coordination with JALT West Tokyo. This event hopes to bring together educators of all foreign languages teaching at any level of education in Japan to discuss one of the most salient non-linguistic components of foreign language education: motivation.
We will be inviting two highly respected and well-known foreign language educators (Ema Ushioda and Kimberley Noels) as Plenary Speakers, and will be joined by four Japan-based Featured Presenters (Tomoko Yashima, Yoshiyuki Nakata, Tomohito Hiromori, Keita Kikuchi) who are also actively contributing to issues such as teacher motivation, language identity and motivation, junior and senior high motivation, and demotivation.
CUE 2011 Conference will include the following strands:
For more information, see the main conference website: http://cue2011conference.org/
CUE is co-sponsoring the upcoming Pan-SIG Conference. The conference is a collaborative effort of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT).
This year’s theme is "Discovering Paths to Fluency." The conference will be held on May 21st and 22nd, 2011 at Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan.
For more information: http://pansig.org/2011/
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