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CUE ESP Symposium 2019

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JALT CUE and BizCom ESP Symposium 2019

Welcome to the webpages for the fifth CUE ESP Symposium, to be held at Uchida Yoko Osaka Branch on September 21st, 2019.

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is the umbrella term for an approach to English language teaching focusing on needs-based, field- or occupation-specific pedagogy. For example, English for Science and Engineering, English for Academic Purposes, and Business English are just a few of the many areas that ESP encompasses. The CUE ESP Symposium offers teachers working in these specialized areas an opportunity to come together and share their professional experiences and research.

This year's event features plenary talks from three ESP experts: Winnie Cheng, Adjunct Professor and formerly Director of Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE), Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Judy Noguchi, Professor emerita of Kobe Gakuin University where she was the start-up Dean of the Faculty of Global Communication, Japan, and Laurence Anthony, Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan.

In addition to the keynote speakers, there will be two poster presentation sessions where you can share your own work in ESP.

On behalf of the organizing team, we welcome all teacher-researchers with an interest in ESP to come and join this growing community of practice.

By attending the event you agree to have your photo taken unless you specifically state otherwise.

  • On-site Registration:
  • JALT CUE & BizCom SIG Members: ¥1,000
  • JALT Members: ¥1,500
  • Non-JALT Members: ¥3,000
  • Symposium Co-Chairs, Alan Simpson and Wendy M. Gough

  • Pre-registration Form
  • Plenary Speakers
  • Access
  • Call for Posters

  • Sponsors:

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