As of February 18, 2024, JALT changed its Bylaws to rename that position as "SIG President". So, the appropriate changes have been made as directed by the SIG Liaison Officer today, Feb. 25, 2024
The name of the organization shall be "Daigaku Kyoiku Kenkyubukai" in Japanese and "The College and University Educators’ Special Interest Group" in English. The abbreviation shall be “CUE SIG.”
The College and University Educators’ SIG is a special interest group of NPO JALT (The Japan Association for Language Teaching).
The CUE SIG is a not-for-profit organization focusing on discussion of issues related to the development of language education in Japanese colleges and universities. The organization shall foster research, issue publications, hold periodic meetings and forums, cooperate with other interested language organizations, and engage in other activities for those interested in improving the quality of teaching at the tertiary level of education.
Individual membership shall be open to any JALT member upon payment of the annual membership fee currently set by JALT.
a. a. The CUE SIG shall hold the AGM around the time of the JALT International Conference, whether 1-2 weeks before or after the conference. The time and place shall be announced to all CUE SIG members at least two weeks prior to the AGM. Members present at this meeting shall constitute a quorum. Each CUE SIG member shall have an equal voting right at the AGM.
b. The following items shall be resolved at the AGM:
Officers of the CUE SIG shall be as follows:
The CUE SIG shall produce at least one (1) academic publication of each type (e.g., OnCUE Journal, OnCUE Journal Special Issue, and CUE Circular) per year and strive to produce a monthly email newsletter of events and SIG information.
The CUE SIG shall hold at least one conference, retreat, or other public event each year, either as the sole sponsor or as a co-sponsor in conjunction with other organizations.
The CUE SIG's financial year shall begin on April 1st and end on March 31st.
The President shall have general responsibility for coordinating the activities of the CUE SIG Executive Officers and for directing the affairs of the JALT CUE SIG. They shall preside at the CUE SIG AGM and at other CUE SIG sponsored events. In the absence of the President, another officer appointed by the President shall chair the meeting. The President will serve as liaison to other similar organizations. The President shall submit an annual report to JALT.
The Treasurer shall keep all financial records, and collect and disburse all funds of the JALT CUE SIG. They shall present an account of the financial status of the organization at the CUE SIG AGM and submit regular monthly financial reports via email to the JALT Central Office. The Treasurer shall prepare the financial documents for an internal audit to take place after the books have been closed at the end of each financial year.
The Membership Chair shall be responsible for registering and renewing membership, keeping membership information provided by members, maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date list of the membership, databasing for internal analysis, and forwarding membership information to the appropriate JALT officers. The Membership Chair shall assist the Publicity Chair and Publications Chair as needed for distribution of CUE announcements and SIG materials (e.g., CUE pamphlet).
The Publications Chair shall coordinate with the Editorial Teams, Layout and Proofing Teams, and submission reviewers and other publications-related staff in editing, publishing, and distributing each calendar year the SIG publications. The Publications Chair may appoint people to positions within the editorial, proofing, reviewing, and publishing staff, subject to approval by at least two other Executive Officers.
The Programs Chair shall supervise the planning and organizing of all regular and special programs and provide the necessary information to officers of the SIG or other JALT agencies as needed. They shall solicit presentation proposals from the CUE SIG members and arrange for vetting them where necessary. They shall contact and arrange for speakers to present at the JALT International Conference and PanSIG conference and the SIG’s annual conference. This means actively offering such programs to JALT Chapters, special events of JALT, or other L2 educational organizations within and outside of Japan.
The Publicity Chair shall foster and coordinate telecommunications (e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) among CUE SIG members and is partially responsible for the management of CUE SIG’s website. The Chair shall also make efforts to advertise CUE events in a timely manner in conjunction with the President and Programs Chair and other officers as necessary.
Other officers include Grants Officer, the Webmaster, Proofreading Coordinator, Members-at-Large, and any other officer positions that may be created on an ad hoc need-basis as the occasion warrants, subject to approval in writing by at least 3 Executive Officers. All such officers shall be entitled to join the officers’ communication platform (e.g., Basecamp).
CUE SIG officers must attempt to avoid conflicts of interest between their professional duties of office and their private interests. Specifically, a potential conflict of interest shall be said to exist if:
To avoid such cases, the following measures are enacted:
All members must be informed through the SIG newsletter or mail of CUE SIG publishing or presenting opportunities.
Officers should consider the following guidelines:
Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed and carried out in the same manner as constitutional amendments.
This Constitution and Bylaws were approved by the College and University Educators’ SIG Executive Board on April 22, 2023.
This Constitution and Bylaws were accepted by the JALT Executive Board on June 24, 2023.
This Constitution and Bylaws were ratified by the College and University Educators’ SIG members on June 1, 2023.
JALT Bylaws changed Coordinator title to President, effective February 18, 2024.
この法人の名称は、日本語名を「大学外国語教育研究部会」とし、英語名をThe College and University Educators’ Special Interest Group”とする。 略称をCUE SIGとする。
JALT CUE SIGは、日本の高等教育機関における語学教育の発展に関する問題を取り扱う非営利団体である。研究、出版の促進、定期的な会合 やフォーラムの開催、他の語学教育関連機関との協力活動を主な活動とし、また、高等教育における教授の質向上に向けて、関連する活動を行う。
JALTが定めた年会費を納めたJALTの会員はJALT CUE SIGの会員になることができる。
CUE SIGには以下の役員を置く。
CUE SIGは、オンライン版を含め、少なくとも年3回の出版物を発行しなければならない。
CUE SIGは、単独で、あるいは、他の機関と共同で、年に少なくとも一 度研究会、合宿など、公の会合等を開催する。
CUE SIGの会計年度は毎年4月1日に始まり、翌年の3月31日に終わるものとする。
コーディネータはCUE SIG主要役員の活動を取りまとめる全般的な責任を担う。CUE SIG総会およびCUEが主催する会合等を統括する。コーディネータが不在の場合には、コーディネータが任命する別の役員をもってそれに当てる。コーディネータはJALTに年間報告を提出する。
会計担当者はすべての会計を記録し、JALT CUE SIG のすべての資金の入金・支出の管理をする。CUE SIG年次総会にて組織の資金状況について報告し、JALT本部に毎月会計報告をメールにて提出する。会計担当者は会計年度終了後に内部監査を受けるための会計関連書類を作成する。
出版担当者はOnCUE Journal雑誌編集班、校正レイアウト班、配送班、及び他の出版関係スタッフと連携し、1暦年あたり3つのOnCUE 出版物の編集、発行、配送を行う。出版担当者は、OnCUE Journal作成要員の職務について、他の主要役員のうち2名の承認をもって、CUE会員を任命することができる。
企画担当者は、必要に応じて本研究部会の役員とその他のJALT関連担当者と連絡を取り、定期的または特別なプログラムの立案・企画を管理する。CUE SIG会員からの発表提案を促し、必要に応じて審査する。JALT年次国際大会、SIGシンポジアムの発表者に連絡を取り、発表の調整を行い、JALT支部、JALTの特別な会合、その他の第二言語教育に関係する国内外の組織にプログラムを提供する。
広報担当者はCUE SIG会員に対し、テレ・コミュニケーション(メール及びインターネット上)を促進・取りまとめし、CUE SIG会員のリストサーブ、役員のYahoo! グループ、SIG ウェブサイトの管理に責任を持つ。担当者は企画担当者と協力しCUEの会合等を適切な時期に宣伝する。
その他の役員として、OnCue Journalのセクション編集担当、ウェブマスター、代表会員を置く。また、代表役員のうち少なくとも3名の承認を持って、必要に応じてその他の 役員を配置することができる。
CUE SIG役員は役員会の義務と個人的な利益を混同させてはならない。特に次のような場合は利害関係が生じうる。
CUE SIGの出版や発表の機会は、ニュースレターやメールを利用して、全ての会員に通知されなければならない。
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