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OnCUE Journal Special Issue Volume 1

Contents of this issue

Individual articles are now available for download in PDF format:

Messages from the Editor

Glen Hill: Message from the Chief Editor

Jean-Pierre J. Richard & Suwako Uehara: Message from the Guest Editors

Feature Articles

Tomoko Hashimoto: Student Attitudes of Cooperative Learning in EFL Classrooms

Tomoyuki Kawashima: Effects of Awareness Raising Activities About World Englishes on EFL Learners

Jamie Lesley: Making a Case for Decision-making Tasks in High-level Discussion Classes Within a Strongly Unified Curriculum

Sakae Onoda: Enhancing L2 Interactional Skills Through Interactive Pair Presentations With Small-Group Discussion

Kristen Sullivan: The Post-Study Abroad Experiences of Japanese University Students

Davey Young: Student Perceptions of Textbook Topics in a Discussion Course

Practice-Oriented Papers

Wendy M. Gough & Kazumi Kato: Fieldwork Projects to Learn Content English

Caroline J. Handley: Conducting and Interpreting T-test and ANOVA Using JASP

Mary Hillis: Go and Open the Door: Literature in the University English Classroom

Short Reports

Christopher Pirotto & Robert Dykes: Quantitative Methods: Mistakes to Avoid

Aaron C. Sponseller: Initial Validity Evidence for a Japanese Version of the Motivation to Study Abroad Scale (MSA)


Derek Herbert: Reflections on Trying to Publish for the First Time

Simon Park: Quantitative Methods: Basic Statistics, Their Significance and the Software

Anthony C. Torbert: A Reflection on Whether EMI is a Practical Objective

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