Foreign Language Motivation in Japan (FLIJ) is a book project that grew out of the CUE Conference 2010 "Foreign Language Motivation in Japan" and consists of chapters by over two dozen foreign language teaching professionals in Japan, plus invited papers from motivation researchers in Canada and the U.K. The editors are Matthew Apple, Dexter Da Silva, and Terry Fellner. FLIJ was published in 2013 through a commercial book publishing house. To get more information about this book, click here.
(Edited by Keith Ford and Eamon McCafferty, 2001)
From chapter 1: "In the title of this book, we refer to these projects as being from the university classroom because they have actually been developed and trialled in that setting. They have been designed to involve relatively low proficiency language learners dealing with relatively sophisticated content while maintaining L2 communication. The input stage of each project is an essential parta of the process: developing a theme, the scaffolding of project tasks (in terms of content and language), encouraging discussion preparation by learners. Although each project leads to increasing self-direction, this input stage serves a crucial role before the critical process of handover, when learners' choice and input take center-stage and determine the project's successful outcome."
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