Welcome to the webpage for the CUE ESP Symposium—Kansai 2012. Like many good ideas, the idea for this event came about at the JALT 2011 conference, where we met a bunch of people working in ESP. There was a general consensus among us that we could all benefit from getting together more and sharing ideas, knowledge, experience, etc. It occurred to us that a good way to do this would be to hold an event dedicated to ESP that would attract practitioners from all over Japan. The JALT CUE SIG were enthusiastic about hosting this event from the very beginning, and we were delighted when the JACET Kansai SIG offered their support—it’s not often enough that we see the combination of the JALT and JACET networks. The result is this unique event that features presentations from two of the foremost experts in ESP in Japan, interactive workshops led by those experts, a chance to share your own work in a poster session, and a round-table discussion focusing on core issues in ESP. Add to that the opportunity for networking with peers throughout the symposium and a dinner party to relax and enjoy, and you have the full spectrum of ESP fun. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Co-Symposium Chairs, Leigh McDowell and Steven Nishida
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