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About the Presenter - Judy Noguchi

Judy Noguchi

Presentation title:

Exploring ESP Roots and Applications

Workshop title:

Identifying ESP Issues and Finding Solutions


This presentation and workshop will first explore the foundations of ESP with a brief review of its roots and basic concepts and then offer examples of how ESP can be applied in high school, university and graduate school courses. The workshop will pick up the discussion from there to identify issues in ESP in the classroom and beyond. Talking about how to deal with such issues and searching for solutions that can suit different situations should offer valuable ideas for all participants.


Judy Noguchi is Professor of English at Mukogawa Women’s University, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. She also works with Osaka University on their graduate school programs of English for engineering and medicine. She has BA and BS degrees (chemistry) from the University of Hawaii, an MEd (TESOL) from Temple University Japan and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK. She is currently President of the Kansai Chapter of JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers).

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