You can download the pdf for each of these poster presentations by clicking on the title of that poster presentation.
Introducing Learned Lectures: Providing listening material for science and engineering majors
Samuel Barclay & Roderick Lange
Harnessing keyness: Corpus-based approach to ESP material development
John Blake
Aspects of designing an English for Science and Technology course in non-English speaking countries
Sonia Sharmin
Diary Writing for Science Majors: The Potential for Language Improvement
Mohammad Naeim Maleki & Brent Wright
An Approach to Develop Genre Awareness for Japanese Science & Engineering Students
Masako Terui
Katherine Nelson Tanizawa
Corporate views on needs for English in the agriculture industry
Glen Hill
Science Challenge - a novel language-learning project at Kochi National College of Technology
Michael Sharpe
Starting out right: Guiding students towards ESP
Robert Moreau
Formal academic writing instruction to advanced English learner groups in science and engineering
Steven Taro Suzuki
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