The JALT-CUE ESP Symposium will be held in Bldg. 57 on the Nishi-Waseda Campus (Science and Engineering) of Waseda University. Note that this is NOT the same as the main campus of Waseda University. The Nishi-Waseda campus is most easily accessed from Nishi-Waseda Station (西早稲田駅, F-11) on the Metro Fuku-Toshin Line (東京メトロ副都心線). After getting off the train, follow the signs to the Waseda Science and Engineering campus (Exit 3). When you reach ground level, you will be facing Meiji-dori (明治通り) and the campus will be behind you. Unfortunately, because of the interim period, only the main gate (on the south side) to the campus will be open. Turn right out of the subway exit and walk about 50m along Meiji-dori with the campus on your right until you reach the southwest corner of the campus. Turn right and walk down a tree-lined street for about 150m until you reach the main gate. Tell the security staff there that you're attending the "ESP Symposium" and they should let you in. Then, follow the signs to Building 57.
The nearest alternative station would be Takadanobaba (高田馬場駅) on the JR Yamanote Line (JR山手線), Seibu-Shinjuku line (西武新宿線), or the Metro Tozai Line (T-03, 東京メトロ東西線). The walk to campus from Takadanobaba station takes about 12-15 minutes. Walk east from Takadanobaba on Waseda-dori (早稲田通り) until you reach Meiji-dori (明治通り). Turn right (south) and then walk until you find the Nishi-Waseda campus on your right-hand side. Walk to the southwest corner of the campus, turn right and then continue as described above.
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