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CUE ESP Symposium 2019 - Schedule

JALT CUE and BizCom ESP Symposium 2019

For more information:

JALT CUE and BizCom ESP Symposium 2019

Program Schedule

9:00 Registration and Poster Setup

9:50 Welcome: Alan Simpson

10:00 Opening Address: Kevin Knight

10:20 First Plenary: Laurence Anthony (Introduced by Kevin Knight)

11:20 Coffee Break & Video

11:35 Poster Session 1

12:35 Lunch

13:45 Second Plenary: Winnie Cheng (Introduced by Quenby Hoffman-Aoki)

14:45 Poster Session 2

15:45 Coffee & Break Time

16:00 Third Plenary: Judy Noguchi (Introduced by Leigh McDowell)

17:10 Closing Remarks: Wendy M. Gough

18:30 Dinner Party

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