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CUE ESP Symposium 2013 Call for Posters

We invite submissions of posters in English or Japanese describing ongoing ESP-related research, including needs analysis, data-driven learning, corpus linguistics, materials development, methodology, or other topics of interest to those teaching students of science, technology and engineering. SUBMISSION (description and extended abstract) DEADLINE IS AUGUST 1, 2013. A limited number of monitors will be available for presenters who would like to make use of them. All requests will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis. Please email for details. Conference proceedings will appear in a special edition of On CUE.

Please provide the following information in your initial submission by August 1:

  1. Contact Information: Poster presenter’s full contact information
  2. Poster Title: Maximum 12 words
  3. Poster Description: Maximum 100 words – for use on website only
  4. Extended Abstract: Maximum 200 words – describe your research
  5. Poster Presenter Biography: Maximum 50 words

(This abstract will not be used in the program or website).

After you have received notification of acceptance, please register for the conference (and dinner) at Please submit your poster/presentation as a PDF by August 23.

Please submit all documents to:

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