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CUE ESP Symposium 2017 - Schedule

CUE ESP Symposium—Keio 2017

For more information:

JALT CUE ESP Symposium 2017

Program Schedule.

9:00 Poster Setup and registration

10:00 Opening address

10:10 Plenary presentation by Masako Terui (Kindai University)

11:15 First poster session

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Plenary presentation by Bertha Du-Babcock (City University of Hong Kong)

14:05 Second poster session

15:00 Plenary presentation by Sue Starfield (University of New South Wales)

16:00 Break time

16:15 Focused group discussions (Chaired by Laurence Anthony)

17:00 Panel discussion

18:00 Closing address

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