The TED and CUE SIGs would like members to submit proposals for Pecha Kucha style presentations at our joint forum titled Conversations with the self: reflective practice and teacher development.
Forum abstract
For the fourth consecutive year, College and University Educators (CUE) and Teacher Education & Development (TED) SIGs are joining together for a joint forum designed to promote the sharing of professional stories. This year’s theme is Conversations with the self: reflective practice and teacher development’ and the event will showcase short presentations from each SIG and the insight of plenary speaker Thomas Farrell, who will act as a discussant.
The format will be somewhat similar to PechaKucha, but presenters will share their stories with small groups of listeners using tablets, laptops or paper. Presenters will share 10 slides and talk for about 30 seconds per slide, for five-minute presentations, followed by short Q & A periods; each presentation will be repeated several times for different audience groups so the attendees can hear several short professional stories about reflective practice. A final discussion moderated by Professor Thomas Farrell will focus on the value of reflective practice for teachers.
To submit a proposal, please use this online form by August 31, 2014.
Submission guidelines: Please include the following.
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