The JALT international conference was held this year at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo, from November 23 to 25. CUE members gathered at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss and plan next year's events, congratulate the CUE Scholar, and select new officers. The CUE Forum, held Sunday from 9:15 to 10:50, attracted interest as well. Please scroll down to find out more about CUE activities during the JALT 2007 conference.
The CUE SIG desk at this year's JALT conference.
In order from left to right: Terry Fellner, Treasurer; Matt Apple, SIG Coordinator, Paul Wicking, 2007 CUE Scholar
Paul Wicking (Meijo University) was selected as the 2007 CUE Scholar. As CUE Scholar, Paul received 25,000 yen to defray the costs of attending the JALT national conference. Please look forward to his conference review in an upcoming OnCUE Journal issue!
Each fall, CUE SIG sponsors one or two CUE Scholars to attend the annual JALT conference. CUE Scholars receive 25,000 yen in return for help at the CUE desk and a conference review.
CUE Forum: Basic SLA Statistics for the University Educator
Room 309, 9:15 - 10:50
Sunday, November 25, 2007
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CUE Forum presenters: Top row, Harumi Kimura (Nanzan University), Phillip McNally (Kansai University); bottom row, Peter Neff (Doshisha University), Matthew Apple (Doshisha University).
While many studies in the SLA field use statistical procedures for their analyses, it can often be difficult to interpret the resulting data in academic articles. This in-depth forum presentation will focus on some of the most commonly used analyses (descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, and factor analysis) with a goal of helping participants better understand and scrutinize quantitatively-oriented research.
Some familiarity with articles which utilize statistics is recommended for those who are interested in attending.
Summary of the 2007 CUE Forum
Roughly 25 people were in attendance at the CUE Forum this year, despite the early time slot. Topics covered included the importance of descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, problems with doing too many multiple comparisons such as t-tests, the difference between one-way ANOVA and t-tests, and the complexity of factor analysis.
Based on the strong interest among Forum attendees, CUE SIG has decided to begin a section on the web page devoted to research methodology and analysis. Please look on these pages in the future for more information!
Click here to download a .pps copy of the PowerPoint presentation used in this Forum.
(NOTE: You must have PowerPoint installed on your computer in order to see this .pps presentation file. The file should automatically open after you download it.)
What was discussed at the CUE AGM
The CUE AGM was held November 23, 2007, from 5:55 to 6:55 in Rm. 309 of the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center. About 15 CUE members were in attendance, including the current CUE officers. The agenda included:
First on the AGM agenda was a recap of 2007 events, including the 2007 CUE Conference in Nagoya at Sugiyama Jogakuen, the co-sponsoring of the GALE 2-day Mini-conference at Temple University Japan and Kansai University in Osaka, and the special Donald Richie lecture at the Kokusai Center in Sannomiya, Kobe.
Next, individual officers gave their reports:
"On October 15th CUE and the Kansai Society of Writers, Editors and Translators hosted an afternoon with Donald Richie, a 50 year resident of Japan whose accolades are too numerous to mention and I'm sure he would not want to be defined by them. However, as one of Mr. Richie's most recent publications is the Japan Journals: 1947 - 2004, he agreed to talk to us about journaling. He talked for an hour to a diverse audience of over seventy people, and then answered questions for another 50 minutes. The lecture was recorded and we are doing a bit of editing so hopefully some of the high-lites will be available on the CUE website pretty soon."
Check here on this web site for information on the Richie lecture.
Matt Apple, SIG Coordinator (left), shares a laugh with Dexter da Silva, OnCUE Editor (middle) and Juanita Heigham, Outgoing Membership Chair (right)
October 14, 2007
Donald Richie lecture
Famed author and critic Donald Richie, author of dozens of books on Japanese films and culture, visited Kansai for a special one-time lecture in Sannomiya, Kobe.
This event was co-sponsored by the Kansai chapter of SWET (Society of Writers, Editors, and Translators).
Click here for more information about the Donald Richie event in Kansai.
October 6-7, 2007
GALE SIG Two-day Conference: Gender and Beyond
The Gender Awareness in Language Education SIG of JALT hosted a jointly-sponsored conference in Osaka featuring an opening lecture by Professor Janet Holmes of Victoria University of Wellington at Temple University Japan, Osaka, and the following day will feature various presentations and colloquia at Kansai University Senriyama Campus.
June 23-24, 2007
2007 CUE Conference: Promoting Lifelong Learning
The 2007 CUE Conference, held at Sugiyama Jogakuen University in Nagoya, was a rounding success. With featured workshop speakers Deryn Verity and Heidi Evans, over 35 presentations and 100 total participants, the conference was a great chance for language professionals to meet and discuss ideas.
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