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CUE Events - 2009

CUE AGM at JALT 2009

Location: Japan Association for Language Teaching 2009, Granship, Shizuoka

Date: Saturday, November 21, 2009 Room 910, 5:45 to 6:45 p.m.


All CUE SIG members and interested parties are welcome to attend and participate in the CUE SIG AGM. We welcome new officer nominations, including "unofficial" officers listed on the CUE Officers web page, as well as OnCUE Journal proofreaders, future event helpers and organizers, and online web / social networking specialists.

(Note: The CUE AGM immediately follows the CUE Forum in the same presentation room.)

CUE AGM Agenda

1. Coordinator / Program Chair's reports

2. Treasurer's report for 2008-2009

3. Budget plan for 2009-2010

4. Publication report: OnCUE Journal 2008-2010

5. Officers elections, resignations, appointments

6. CUE 2009 Researcher Award

7. 2009-2010 (and beyond) Event Planning

Followed by the joint LD SIG / CUE SIG / TC Party at Shizuoka!

CUE Forum: The research writing process: Working with journal editors and reviewers

Location: Japan Association for Language Teaching 2009, Granship, Shizuoka

Date: Saturday, November 21, 2009  Room 910, 4:00 to 5:45 p.m.

CUE Forum presenters:
John Gunning (OnCUE Journal Editor, CUE SIG Publications Chair)
Matthew Apple (OnCUE Journal Guest Editor, CUE SIG Programs Chair).


The College and University Educators SIG will introduce in a workshop format specific steps to assist authors in improving research papers for publication. From the editor’s perspective of the OnCUE Journal and other SIG publications, workshop presenters will guide participants through the three steps that will enhance their research papers to publishable standards prior to submission.

First, presenters will offer suggestions on how to improve the organization of research content, paying specific attention to logical argument flow that can support the author’s research claims. Participants will complete hands-on activities using authentic sample writings with the intent of raising awareness of acceptable academic writing based on research paper organizational rubrics, research statistics, and appropriate word choice.

Next, participants will complete tasks related to editor and reviewer comments in order to determine how best to accommodate suggestions for paper revision. The CUE Forum will focus specifically on the creation and modification of APA-style tables.

Last, presenters will discuss “author-related research responsibilities” regarding submitted papers; this will involve a detailed example that exemplifies the complete process of publication reviewing from the initial submission to the final edit and proofread version.

CUE 2009 Conference

Location: Tezukayama Gakuin University, Nara, Japan

Date: Saturday and Sunday, May 23-24, 2009

Conference Theme: ESP/EAP: English for Global Living, Working, and Studying

Featured Speakers: Michael Guest (Miyazaki University School of Medicine), Dr. Thomas Orr (Aizu University)

ESP/EAP: English for Global Living, Working, and Studying

CUE SIG, on behalf of Nara JALT, Study Abroad SIG and Framework and Portfolio SIG, would like to express our appreciation to all the conference organizers, sponsors, presenters, and attendees at the CUE 2009 Conference. We also express our thanks to the Tezukayama University for allowing us the use of their facilities at the Gakuenmae Campus in Nara.

Finally, we would be remiss without thanking our two featured speakers Mike Guest and Thomas Orr, as well as our invited panelists Theron Muller, Eric Skier, Glen Hill, and Judy Noguchi.

CUE SIG is currently editing video footage taken of our two featured speaker individual presentations and two panel discussions from the CUE 2009 Conference. Please check back on this web page in the future for the videos!

CUE 2009 Conference OCJ Special Proceedings Issue: The deadline for submissions to the OnCUE Journal, 4(2), Special Conference Issue has passed, and preliminary decisions regarding acceptance have already been sent to authors. Papers that have passed the first stage of the review process have been sent to the second stage, where they will be double-blind reviewed and subject to the regular OnCUE Journal issue guidelines for publication. Expected publication is late summer 2010.

This event was sponsored by JALT CUE SIG and co-sponsored by Nara JALT, in support of Study Abroad Forming SIG and Framework and Portfolio Forming SIG.

JALT PanSIG 2009

Location: Toyo Gakuen University, Chiba, Japan

Conference Theme: "infinite possibilities: expanding limited opportunities in language education"

Featured Speakers J. D. Brown (University of Hawaii) and Deryn Verity (Osaka Jogakuin University)

Please click here or on the PanSIG 2009 headline above for more information about this event.

This event was supported by CUE SIG.

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